I would like to wish everybody a Happy New Year for 2015. I think the new year is a good time to lay down a bit of a road map for the future of this website.
The approach is a little different from some other methods, but then maybe difference is a good thing. Considering the world is still experiencing wars in different regions, perhaps past methods have not worked too well. Looking at all the horrible atrocities that are happening in this world, I just think to some extent focusing on this negativity can be soul destroying. I want to focus on the more positive aspects of life.
Earlier this year, I tried to put together a bit of a mission statement for this site.
Anyone who has achieved a sense of inner peace in their life knows how great it is. From such a state, it is impossible to contemplate causing harm to another person.
Just as people with bad intents and selfish greedy motives have united to cause havoc in this world, I strongly believe that if the good peaceful people of this world united, world peace is the resulting product of that unity.
So, I would like the main focus of this website to be
“To help people find more peace in their life, and also provide a platform by which they can unite in friendship.”
Below is a an image which I think explains this statement

I have a few ideas on how to make that happen and plan to provide more details about that in the book that I am writing which I hope to finish by the end of 2015. I would like to invite other people who are passionate about peace to take a more active leadership role, but I think it is important to lay down some of the principles of the site, so that people can make a more informed decision about whether this is something they would like to participate in.
Going into 2016, if there are enough members on this site to justify it, I would like to work on an app to assist people with meditation and also help them network and make friends with other peace loving people around the world. I should point out that I am not religious, and when I say meditation, I am talking about a range of different neutral non religious guided meditations which people can use. I think it would be great to see what other peaceful people out there in the world are meditating with us, and also be able to make friends with them and interact with them. An added bonus would be if such a platform could also be used to to one day facilitate real world meet ups.
I realise that peaceful protests and lobbying government members is important, but there currently not many members of the site, and I would like to focus on those areas which I feel will have the most beneficial impact at this point in time.
The last post touched on the topic of whether world peace is possible, or simply out of reach. It is a common statement, I have received a number of emails over the years telling me that world peace will never happen. Not only do I believe that world peace is possible, I believe that it is inevitable. Keep in mind, that human slavery in America, the buying and selling of human beings was legal until about 1865 or thereabouts. During the period of slavery, if you had suggested that a person like Barack Obama could be the President of the United States, they would have probably told you that you were crazy and that it would never happen, but indeed it has happened. And the abhorrent act of buying and selling human slaves has ended. War is yet another insane abhorrent act, and its days will no doubt come to an end. Instead of being a naysayer, why not be one of the visionaries who believe that peace is possible and tries to tries to help steer the world a little closer to peace.