Global Meditation for Syria

As previously mentioned, I am not associated with the global meditation for Syria, but I will be joining in on the meditation with many others. A number of people have contacted me requesting the time of the meditation in their country. I thought I would post some timings for a few countries that are popular on this site. It is meant to last ten to fifteen minutes according to the organiser James Twyman.

Australia (Sydney)  February 2 at 2:00am

Australia (Perth) February 1 at 11:00pm

Belgium  February 1 at 4:00pm

Canada (Ontario) February 1 at 10:00am

Germany February 1 at 4:00pm

India February 1 at 8:30pm

Netherlands  February 1 at 4:00pm

Spain February 1 at 4:00pm

Sweden February 1 at 4:00pm

Switzerland February 1 at 4:00pm

United Kingdom February 1 at 3:00ppm

USA (California) February 1 at 7:00am

USA (New York) February 1 at 10:00am

5 Replies to “Global Meditation for Syria”

  1. Annie Salvador

    I missed this, I found out too late but I will hold peace in my heart all day! Please let’s do again. And again, and again.

    Love is the only way.

    • ian Post author

      Hi Annie
      Thanks for posting, I agree, peace should be a part of our daily life. I did not organise this global meditation, but I would like to organise one for October this year.

      • Annie


        I really believe the future peace of the world lies in unity, group intention of love. I want to be informed please!

  2. Vincent Leguesse

    With an optimal perspective on the meaning of life, we can concur that strength in numbers unifies the galaxy. Peace to the Universe.

    The real Nazarene is back.


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